官网可以下载驱动,驱动有两种,分别是 Game Ready Driver、Studio Driver。Game Ready Driver 往往是针对某些游戏进行优化的驱动,或者针对某些新发布的游戏推出的驱动。Studio Driver 则是针对游戏之外进行优化的驱动,例如视频编辑软件、3d 制作软件等等。
AMD 不区分 game 不 game 的,但是 AMD 也会通过发布新驱动针对有些游戏进行优化,只是不对这些驱动进行分类。有数据显示,2017 年 amd 发布的驱动总数是 24,nvidia 是 18。
目前在使用这个 API 检测 Nvidia 显卡驱动更新,是在这个网页找到的,它只返回 WHQL 驱动,没有 hotfix 驱动,hotfix 驱动类似 AMD 的 beta 驱动,关于 hotfix 驱动的说明:
To be sure, these Hotfix drivers are beta, optional and provided as-is. They are run through a much abbreviated QA process. The sole reason they exist is to get fixes out to you more quickly. These fixes (and many more) will be incorporated into the next official driver release, at which time the Hotfix driver will be taken down. The safest option is to wait for the next WHQL certified driver. But we know that many of you are willing to try these out.
在 GitHub 找到一个 Nvidia 驱动更新工具 EnvyUpdate,其开发者也没找到检测 hotfix 驱动的方法。