listen note 的作者:Keep calm and carry on…
coding horror 的作者:pick a schedule you can live with, and stick to it.
不要打鸡血,打鸡血只能持续一段时间,不要搞得太累,这样不可持续,冷静,找到适合自己的节奏,然后 stick to it. 不要完美主义,Most of time, the biggest obstacle of building & shipping things is over thinking.
listennotes 的作者租了 wework 办公,一天的工作时间很少多于 8 小时。为什么不在家办公呢?他说的一句话挺有道理:
Instead of optimizing for spending more time & saving money, I optimize for spending less time & making money.
Boy, you are not important at all. Everyone is busy in their own life. No one cares about you and the things you build, until you prove that you are worth other people’s attention. Even you screw up the initial product launch, few people will notice. Think big, start small, act fast. It’s absolutely okay to use the boring technology and start something simple (even ugly), as long as you actually solve problems.